Friday, May 06, 2005

torturing imagination

Wakakak.. kayaknya aku lagi rada aneh deh.. kayaknya lagi addicted to something very stupid..

pasti nggak..
Ok put it this way..

Aku lagi senang ngehayal.. ngehayalin yang nggak2.. (not that dirty!!! mind you..!!) romance, love story, triangle, or anything to do with love..
and imagining me as the lost party,.. (being the rejected one.. left out.. cheated third wheel... or ousted cast... whatever... you name it)..
hahah percaya atau nggak.. my fave is imagining myself going to my love's wedding.
Apa aku lagi depresi or gimana gak jelas..
atau lagi kena siklus 3 tahunan..
perhaps because deep inside i am a sentimental man (cuihhh!)
Ironisnya.. saat gak ada hubungannya dengan one of my lost loves.
93, 96, 99. ketiganya has something to do with my 'love-kalaut' story haha. Personally aku juga heran, with my on-going steady relationship (walopun ditentang oleh ortu kedua belah pihak sodara2) harusnya aku tidak mengalami such syndrome tahun ini..
but I am feeling it right now.. (hmm jangan2 aku kebanyakan baca buku2 roman tragedi kali ya hahaha jadi kebawa2)
i hope it's not a premonition or something (and Please God don't let it become another premonition.. i've had enough.. i think).
Masalahnya 93, 96, dan 99.. such feeling merupakan premonition that my love story will be 'kelaut.' And They happened, setigaknya in my opinion.
hhh... 93 around 1 month after my sentimental mood appeared.. i got news that she's with someone.
96 not long after i got the mood, my crush told me he fell for someone...
99 well 99 was such a year.. i don't think i'm able to tell all of em' cause it's special

This is the year when i suddenly face intruder, compete with my friend, experiencing 'lieurgone', had the shortest relationship ever.. and the begining of the on-going to the sixth year relationship
woow i'm babling..
kali gitu aja dulu ntar nyambung lg krn aku ca-p

huaaah ngantuuuuk

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